在英國提供寬頻、流動電話及電視等服務的Virgin Media,為了迎接明年的倫敦奧運及女皇鑽婚,將會推出新的logo。
Executive Director of Brand and Marketing Communications, Jeff Dodds, said: “At Virgin Media, we’re extremely proud of our British heritage and wanted to find a way to symbolically remind people about all the fantastic things about our nation. With Britain celebrating the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and hosting the Olympic Games next year, we believe there is no better time to show our pride and excitement about what it means to be British.”
1. 國旗國徽是不能放在廣告上的
2. 本地品牌在marketing行為上對國家的認同感不大,看每年國慶的表現就知道了
3. 至於愛國的品牌,則甚少能創作出符合大眾口味的宣傳品,反而令普通消費者對含「國家」的宣傳更增距離感